Understand what is most important to your customers
Set your priorities to match your customers' and consumers' needs. Our in-depth strategic market research, market intelligence and insight technologies deliver key insights to refine and optimise products, prices and brands across market segments, to improve satisfaction and purchase intent.
Using Cxoice, our bespoke survey system and insight platform, and innovative approaches to research design, conjoint analysis, pricing research we identify how features, pricing, brand and messaging combine to drive value and to generate customer sales.
Deeper market insights into customer needs and values
Our research is designed from start to finish to answer core business questions to address strategic decisions about what customers value, willingness to pay and how to deliver value to customers. Our approach can include workshops with your team, specialist quantitative and qualitative market research and market intelligence, and market models and forecasts designed to deliver clear, business-enhancing results focused on customer success.
Hit the right research buttons
Market research and market intelligence gathering are on-going tasks. Periodic market sizing and segmentation define your market parameters. Purchase tracking measures your market share. Brand and advertising tracking check that your marketing is working and delivering value. Satisfaction measurement checks that your products and services are meeting customer needs consistently and reliably. And research for product and service design combined with competitor intelligence keeps your products in tune with what customers are looking for.
Maximize your marketing impact
Customers know what they want when they see it but can't always say what they need. We are published experts on techniques like market segmentation, conjoint analysis, brand equity research, pricing research and we use our own Cxoice Insight Systems (pronounced 'choice') delivers research for real life including web-overlay surveys, and video accompanied research.
Cxoice expands your research possibilities with tools like maxdiff and conjoint analysis, and web-overlay surveys to go deeper into what drives customer preferences and desires. Then build market models and sales and revenue forecasts to identify sweet-spots and the most impactful messaging and communications.
Revolutionize research with the Cxoice Survey Platform
Create better, more engaging research that is more visual, more realistic and more relevant for your customers using Cxoice Insight Systems. From individual web surveys, to web-overlays, to team-based web-assisted telephone interviewing, to automated analysis and project-based knowledge management, Cxoice delivers the insight system you need, with built in automation and AI.
We want to help...
We work in the UK, US and internationally. We're used to challenging business problems often involving leading-edge technical products and services where research is only part of the puzzle. Contact us at enquiries@dobney.com, or call +44(0)20 7193 6640, or use our help and advice form.